GO Transit

Next bus departures from Pearson

Note: departure times listed above are based on the schedule and may not be the actual departure time.

Where to catch your bus

GO Transit buses depart from Terminal 1, Ground Level – Column Q2 to Q4.

A map of the TTC area at Terminal 1, Toronto Pearson Airport

Map of GO bus stops at Terminal 1.

Routes from Pearson

Where to purchase tickets at Pearson

You can buy GO Transit tickets online or at the vending machine in Terminal 1 on the Ground Level. 

Save with PRESTO

PRESTO is an electronic payment card that you can use to pay your transit fare, instead of using cash, tickets or tokens. With PRESTO, you can connect between multiple transit services, like TTC, MiWay and UP Express. You can buy PRESTO cards at vending machines and at UP Express customer service counters at the airport.